You can now easily share your sign content on your internal sites such as Jira, Confluence, or Sharepoint. You can also share a direct link to your content via URL.
To share your sign content, Go to the My Signs page within your MangoSigns dashboard and click on the dropdown button on the right-hand side of the sign that you would like to share the content.
Click on the Share Content button and you will be allowed to share the content on the next screen.
Once your content is shared you will see a share icon next to your sign in the My Signs tab. This will allow you to see that the sign is currently being shared.
Clicking on the share icon will allow you to see the share URL, and embed code as well as stop the share. More information about sharing your content can be found here.
Slide Editor Enhancements
We have updated the MangoSigns slide editor so that you can more easily edit the content within your slides. Give it a shot and let us know what you think! So far the feedback has been great and we would love to hear about your experience.
With the feedback from users, we have added a column resize option to our table grid app, that allows you to drag and resize the columns in your tables and grids. Double-click the grid and drag on a column border to resize.
Dashboard and Help Updates
Based on user feedback, we have made the dashboard more user-friendly with additional ways to access the account settings, features, and help you need. We have cleaned up the navigation menu and also now show what is playing on your signs directly on the dashboard.
You can now access the team or help center articles right through the dashboard by clicking on the help icon. View the knowledge base, reach out to us directly, or watch video tutorials all from one convenient place.
We have some more exciting stuff coming soon, so stay posted, and PLEASE let us know what you would like to see next to help your business.
MangoSigns Team