Important update starting 6/17/2023 -
Due to recent Fire TV updates, if using a Fire TV device, be sure to turn the following setting off if available on the Fire TV device. Failing to disable this setting will automatically exit any app after a few hours of running including ours ->
Setting -> Preferences -> Data Usage Monitoring -> Still Watching set this to OFF
************ MangoSigns Player App not Auto-Starting On boot? ************
On some devices the Fire TV OS will prevent applications from launching on start even if the setting is enabled in the MangoSigns app. To allow this you will need to connect to the Fire TV device via ADB from your computer and run a command to allow it.
Instructions for how to connect to your Fire TV device from your computer can be found here - https://developer.amazon.com/docs/fire-app-builder/connecting-adb-to-fire-tv.html
And the following command will need to be run after connected via ADB:
adb shell appops set com.mangosigns.mangodisplay SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
Fire TV devices make for pretty decent digital signage players for the price. The OS is a bit restricted when it comes to remote management, but when paired with a low cost smart plug (see recommendations at the bottom of the article) you can schedule power on/off times, as well as remotely restart the devices.
Install the MangoSign player on your Fire TV device to broadcast your content to it from your mangosigns.com account. We recommend using one of the following Fire TV devices for the best compatibility:
Fire TV Sticks
To install the MangoSign player for your Fire TV device you can install the app through the Amazon App Store, or directly by installing the APK file directly on it.
Install from the Amazon App Store
To install the MangoSigns player on you Amazon device, you can search the App store directly on your Fire TV device once you have it set up and connected to the internet. If you have a remote with Alexa voice capabilities you can say 'Install MangoSigns", or you can use the search icon and type Mango Signs.
Select the Mango Signs - Digital Signage app and you will see an option to install the app on your device.
Launching the Player
Once the MangoSigns app has been installed on your device, you should be able to find it in your apps section on your Fire TV device and launch it. If your device is connected to the internet, you should see a countdown appear with some options available to choose before the countdown finishes. If your device is not connected to the internet you will be prompted to connect to the internet to pair your device(sign) to your account.
There is an option to Auto-Start the player on boot. With this option enabled, the player will automatically start when the device boots when it is powered on. There is a Show More link at the bottom of the screen as well that will give you more options for the player to set an Auto Reboot time, or clear the cache or unlink the sign from your account. These options are covered in more detail below.
When the countdown finishes, if it is the first time launching, or you have not linked/paired the sign to your account yet you will see a code appear.
While the player is showing this screen, you can now log into your MangoSigns account and click on the + Add a Sign button to enter this code and link the sign/player to your account.
Your Sign is Linked!
Once you link your sign to your account with the code provided, you will see a rocket ship appear. You can now schedule content(your slides) out to your sign through your mangosigns.com account. If you see this screen because you accidentally deleted the sign from your MangoSigns account, you can use the Clear Sign Code option in the More Options section covered below to generate a new sign code and link the sign to your account again.
More Options
There are some additional options that you can access in the pop-out menu that appears under the More Options link when the player is launching. Each option is described further below. You can also access a sub-section of this same menu by clicking the back button on the Fire TV device or remote while your sign is running and content is playing.
Auto-Start on Boot -
When enabled, the MangoSigns player app will automatically launch when the device is powered on and finishes booting. It typically happens pretty quickly after boot, however, depending on the device, it may take a minute or two for the player to launch after boot. If it still does not automatically boot after launch, reach out to the support team with the device model info and we can help with additional settings on the device that may need to be changed.
Clear Sign Code -
You typically only want to clear the sign code from the player when you want to link it to another account, or if you accidently deleted it from your MangoSigns dashboard. You can click clear sign code to unlink the device from your account if it has already been linked or if you deleted it from our dashboard and would like to generate a new code to link it again. To clear the sign code, click Clear Sign Code and click the confirm button.
Clear Local Cache -
The MangoSign player will download the last content played for offline playback and store it on the device in the local cache. You can perform a force clear of this cache to free up space and re-download the content from the server. Clicking Clear Local Cache will delete all of the local cache on the device.
Set Cache Size -
The default cache size is 1000mb, but this can be overridden by setting the cache size using this option. If you have a lot of content and images, you may want to increase the cache size.
Restart Time -
When the Restart Time is enabled, the player will automatically restart at the time you choose. This option is recommended especially if you have any external embedded content as it will help release resources that may not be freed up on their own. We recommend scheduling this at an off hour time.
Exit App -
This option closes the app and returns the device to the Fire TV dashboard.
Close Settings -
Closes the pop-out menu panel and resumes the countdown to begin playing your content or generate a sign code.
To maximize the performance of your Fire TV device and increase stability, we recommend using the power supply that came with the Fire TV device and not plugging it into the USB on the TV for power.
The Fire TV OS is somewhat restricted, so you won't have access to remote administration like you do through some Android applications, however a low cost smart plug can be paired with these devices to set up power schedules and perform remote reboots. These smart plugs can be found on Amazon for less than $6USD each and can be programmed and remote controlled through your smart phone.
Important! -
If using a Fire TV device, be sure to turn the following setting off if available on the Fire TV device. Failing to disable this setting will automatically exit the app after a few hours of running
Setting -> Preferences -> Data Usage Monitoring -> Still Watching set this to OFF