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User Permissions

You can now assign roles and permissions for the users you invite. When you invite a user, simply pick Administrator or choose the roles.

Written by Brianna
Updated over a week ago

User permissions allow you to restrict access to certain functionality within MangoSigns. Below we will cover each permission and how it relates to the platform.

You can also manage user permissions after a user has been added, but going into Settings -> Users -> click on the user, and Manage Permissions

Can Create/Edit Slides - 

User can create new slides or edit existing slides created on the account.

Can Create/Edit Schedules -

User can create new schedules or edit existing schedules created on the account.

Can Manage Users -

User can invite new users to the account, edit permissions on existing accounts or delete existing accounts.

Can Edit Company Settings - 

User can edit the company wide settings including editing the global location for the account (used for weather, maps and other location based apps), set the logo for the company (used for the loading logo for sign. User can link/un-link social media accounts for displaying social media content, as well as link/unlink a google drive account for displaying google docs.

Can Manage Billing Info - 

User can see and manage the billing information for the account, including linking a different credit card and seeing past invoices and statuses.

Can Add/Remove Signs -

User can add or delete signs from the account.

Can Delete Slides - 

User can delete slides from the account.

Can Delete Schedules -

User can delete schedules from the account. 

Can Delete Media -

User can delete media from the account, such as videos and images that have been uploaded to it.

Can Edit All Templates -

User can access and edit the full template library from MangoSigns. Not allowing access to this will restrict the user to the Company or Corporate templates created on the account that show up under My Templates.

Can Manage Company Templates - 

User can create or delete new Company Templates that will show up under the My Templates section.

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