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Organize your schedules, slides and signs by tagging them.

Written by Brianna
Updated over a month ago

Tags help you organize your scheduled, slides and signs within your account.

To create, edit or delete tags, you must have the Manage Tags user role assigned to your account.

Managing Tags

You can manage the Tags for your account by clicking on the profile icon in the lower left hand corner of your dashboard and clicking the Tags link.

The Tags page allows you to see all of the tags that you have created as well as see the schedules, slides and signs that they are assigned to. You can also create new tags from this page as well as rename or delete them.

Creating Tags

To add a new tag, you can click the Add button in the upper right hand corner of the Tag management page. Then you can give the tag a name and click Add Tag. The Tag should now be visible in your available tags.

You can also create tags from the My Schedules, My Signs or My Signs page by clicking on Tag item under the options for the schedule, sign or slide, and then typing the tag name and clicking Create Tag at the bottom.

Tagging Items

To Tag items, you can click on the Tag button under the options for the schedule, sign or slide.

From there you will see a list of tags available that you can tag the schedule, sign or slide with. Multiple tags can be assigned to a schedule, sign or slide.

Once an item is tagged, you will see the tags show up next to the item name in the My Schedules, My Signs or My Slides pages. To see all of the schedules, slides or signs associated with that item you can click on the tag.

Finding items by Tag

You can find schedules, slides and signs by their tags by clicking on the Tag icon in the upper right hand corner of the My Schedules, My Signs or My Slides page. This will present a list off all tags that have been used for the schedules, signs or slides.

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